Friday April 21, 2006

Let's go nuclear


I don't really recall any serious nuclear power plant incidents since Chernobyl. And I recall that was a horrible screw-up that would never happen again (just like Three Mile Island would never happen again with current technology and regulations). So basically, waste deposit is the only serious problem that needs tackling. Well, here's a good idea:

Wildlife is thriving in Chernobyl, so let's dump it in the rain forests, says British scientist and environmentalist James Lovelock:

"I have wondered if the small volumes of nuclear waste from power production should be stored in tropical forests and other habitats in need of a reliable guardian against their destruction by greedy developers".

Not a bad idea at all. Bye-bye nuclear waste, bye-bye deforestation. Where can we sign up?

How many emo kids does it take..


Funny joke found on Slashdot (not that that's the original):

Q: How many emo kids does it take to change a lightbulb?

A: None. They just sit in the dark and cry.

But only after they've dropped the defective bulb to use it as a razorblade, of course. Which is probably the reason why the bulb needed to be changed in the first place.

Or how about..

Q: If a blonde and an emo kid jump off a building and hit the ground at the same time, who dies first?

A: The blonde, she drowns in the emo kid's tears.

(From Green Chaos Puk Jokes.)

Physical health


For the past two weeks I've been coughing like a seal. It's no longer as bas as it used to be, but still too much and my chest still hurts occasionally from over-stretching my ribs. Lots of green/yellow (read: infected) mucus as well and it feels like breathing isn't as light a task as it should be anymore. I should visit a doctor.

In fact, I bloody well should visit a doctor, soon. This all (plus my inability to gain weight) sounds a lot like cystic fibrosis which only happens to be the most common fatal autosomal recessive disease in Caucasians. The median lifespan of victims to the disease is a mere 37. Funny, always figured I wouldn't live to see thirty.

I should visit a doctor.

17:15 update: apparently cystic fibrosis is usually diagnosed in the first few years of life, so I'm putting my hopes on H5N1, sinusitis or longue cancer now.

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