Tuesday April 25, 2006

Back on-line soon


I'm not just talking about my personal health, oh no: after fifteen months of absense I will have an Internet connection at home again. The downside is that I might become addicted to night-time MSN sessions once again, but considering my daily commute and active social life that's not too likely so it's worth the risk. The bigger downside is that my new static IP address (rumoured to become will make it very, very tempting to start hosting things at home again just while I was trying to lower my electricity bills.

I'll try and think of any positive notes as well. One that I can already think of will be the ability to update the HorrorPops web site more promptly and to put the Arch archives for my software (such as Atlantik) back on-line, which will tempt me to resume development.

Oh, about that personal health.. almost completely stopped couching. Without visiting any doctors, so my no-claim health care refund remains intact!

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