Friday July 28, 2006

PHP turns ugly to anti-semite Jani Taskinen


Jani Taskinen, one of the lead developers of the PHP project, and former UN peacekeeper, has announced to immediately quit the project:

Thank you all for the last 6 years or so. It has been fun (sometimes) and many times not so much fun. Unfortunately I have had enough and I don't want to be associated with this project anymore.

I'm sure most people (the ones who matter) can understand why. If someone doesn't, I could not care less. Take care.

Okay, shit happens. Software development sure can get tedious and we all need a break, or move on to other projects. So why did Jani snap? Rude co-workers? Slipping deadlines? Ever-growing bug lists? Insane development requests? No, none of that.

Four UN peacekeepers were killed by Israeli fire last week, including a Finnish co-worker or even friend of his, so Jani decided he hates Jews:

<_sniper_> hehehehe..
<_sniper_> all other members of the UN security council wanted to condemn Israel for attacking the UN post but USA (freedom and democracy) vetoed it....Israel says the resolution was fair.
<_sniper_> hell yeah..
<_sniper_> NUKE ISRAEL!
<_sniper_> I'm so full of that fucking country..
<_sniper_> Eye for an eye..I'll kill one Israel officer for one of ours, is that fair?
<_sniper_> I bet I'll be hanged for that.
<_sniper_> They kill one of my brother-in-arms-for-peace..I think I'm entitled to kill one of their nazis.
<_sniper_> Hezbollah, where can I enlist?
<_sniper_> FYI: I don't care at all what anybody thinks about me. I'm going to be openly anti-Israel from now on. This was the last straw for me. Fuck you jews.
<_sniper_> I will also quit this project. As long as it's backed by some Israel company, I don't want to have anything to do with it.
<_sniper_> Good bye.
<-- _sniper_ (~) has left #php.pecl

If that IRC log is correct: what a loser.

First there is a claim that Israel said the resolution was fair. So then why hate the country when it was the US who vetoed? Whatever.

Secondly there is a call for nuclear destruction of Israel. Not cool.

Thirdly note that Hezbollah was very active near the UN positions, so there is ample reason to believe this was a mere accident on Israel's part, possibly unavoidable even.

Last but not least there is support for Hezbollah, more hatred of Jews and finally a decision that PHP has become tainted merely because it is backed by a company (Zend) having to do fuck all with all this yet happens to be Israeli. Obviously making the project as undesired on this planet as those Jews themselves?

Well, good riddance Jani. I know you couldn't care less about what people think of you now, but as long as you don't start to blow up civilians Hezbollah-style.. we couldn't care less.

Thought of the day


Hopefully UN peacekeepers who immediately side with the terrorists after a friendly-fire incident are a small, small minority.

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