Thursday July 27, 2006

Faster, Harder, Spammer


If I were to sell goods that may (or may not) improve sexual experience, I would definitely try a different message than that of current day spammers. This example, taken from two similar messages from the same source, is just silly:

You crave to shoot like a film star... Do you wish to increase your volume by up to 500%?

I understand Viagra, because having an erection is an integral part of male sexuality. But what exactly is the purpose of increased ejaculation and how would anyone be interested spending money on it, other than producers of bukkake?

Spam must be cheaper than I figured, when senders can make a living from the low yields nonsense like this will generate.

Put your gig calendar on your site!


Cool: you can now put your gig calendar on your site! Just put this on your MySpace, blog or LiveJournal, but replace with your login:

My Gig Calendar

The result?

Also available in signature version:

(Replace 'box' with 'sig' in the code.)

Your image is generated the first time it is loaded. I will make a schedule job to delete the cache every night, which means your image will be updated daily. Kiki is growing up.

Update: this tool will let you preview images and generate code for any style available.

Information on Nighttown bankrupty


Is Rotterdam club Nighttown bankrupt? Yes, definitely. But there's talk of a possible restart, so rock enthousiasts need not worry if (like me) they have tickets for one thing are the other. Good news!

© Copyright 1995-2007 Robert John Kaper. All rights reserved.

Tom has more friends but mine are prettier! (#1/1)