Tuesday March 28, 2006

No bingo!


Tonight I had quite a few lines across but alas, no bingo! Just two numbers short on two cards but the cards weren't in my favour. Better luck next time, and you know the saying.. Unlucky in the game, lucky in love. Let's play bing.. with some birds! Wiee!

Who's that girl?


It's slightly eerie when a girl chats you up and you're only half sure who she is while she wishes you luck with bingo, kisses you and tells you "see you next week". Oh well, it's Europe and I'm a slut so I'm not too worried about not knowing her (was it Mirte?).

Late night hello


I'm drunk. I'm knackered. I'm hungry (shoarma) and I had a fab time. Frank is singing his song and life is good. Work in less than five hours. Good night my fans, my lovers, my crushes, my friends.

The record shows.. I did it my way.

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