Thursday March 30, 2006

All Milan and no play


Shite night at the pub (not really, Dick Barry is playing), all I've seen was Inter and AC Milan. Where are the semi-finals of the Scandinavian Cup of lesbian wet t-shirt mud wrestling when you need them?

(Oh! If only there was such a thing!)

Why I hate the French

European Union

Someone asked me at the pub.

1. They refuse to speak English.
2. They smell.
3. They're as communist as Europe will ever get.
4. I failed French in high school.
5. Paris is the most run down city in Europe.
6. Vichy.
7. They're arrogant.
8. They supported Arafat.
9. Alizee won't shag me.
10. Chirac's a wanker.

But they did turn down the constitution, so no hard feelings!



While I do not believe I am the perfect man for the army, I might not be able to avoid service once the next World War breaks out. Fortunately, unless a luring psychobilly girl is considered sexist, my ink no longer seriously conflicts with the US army tattoo policy:

"The army is America. We are America's sons and daughters. American's sons and daughters are getting tattoos," Lt Col Bryan Hilferty at the Pentagon said.

Wicked. But shouldn't a European bloke like me fight for Holland and England first, not being an American son? Sure. But I'm afraid the Anglosphere and other free nations will not take a serious stance against the mullahs, Saudi royalty and other scum seeking to substitute sharia for freedom. Not in time to save Europe anyway. Slogans like 2030 - then we take over have moved from back alleys to t-shirts in Europe. Europeans have been murdered for sharing a nationality with cartoonists. Not just Iran, but also Saudi Arabia is getting nukes.

I'm starting to feel what the interbellum must have felt like.

"Get (off) and out of jail"


What do Sharon Stone and the Muslim way of life have in common? Well, they both offer males a way to avoid jail sentences for sexual assault. Sharon Stone wants to see fewer horny men imprisoned and claims teenage girls should simply perform more oral sex:

If you're in a situation where you cannot get out of sex, offer a blow job.

Thanks for the offer sweetheart. I knew you'd give your consent sooner or later. How stupid can Hollywood actresses get?!

Fortunately in Iran, they're not stupid, just seriously evil. The Hadith (الحديث) offers an even easier way out for men, as long as they just rape one woman at a time:

The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?" He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?" They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence."

That's even sillier logic than the horrible away goal rule. And a lot worse as well: an Iranian teenager is going to be executed for self-defense against a rapist. Horrible. Can we please send Sharon Stone over for a while, ice pick included, and just watch?

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