Friday December 16, 2005

Exhausted gig tour summary


It's hard to believe, but my gig-fest has almost come to an end! Time flies when you're having fun. Tomorrow there's the final HorrorPops/Left Alone show, in Amsterdam. And then.. it's dull, boring Christmas time (read: time to rest).

A quick summary of last week's tour: Glasgow was wicked. I really liked the Cathouse as a venue and I almost pulled a girl in the hostel. But I wasn't drunk enough to lower my standards that far. Silly me.

Liverpool was wicked also. Thanks for letting me crash, Chris. Hope next time you're not so tired as I could've stayed at Road Kill a bit longer, that was a good after-party venue. Enjoyed the pizza.

London was, well, London. The HorrorPops played a most brilliant gig, but walking through the city wasn't as exciting as it used to be. Sure, I bought new socks at Camden and new (discounted) Converse. But I can't help but thinking I would've enjoyed it better had Isy not been ill, Steph not been stuck in (burning) Hemel, not been grounded, and so on.

To make matters even worse, Portsmouth sucked. It's run-down and the last train back to London was a 10.24pm, so I had to get a B&B for the night and then rush back to London in the morning to be able to make the check-out time for my hotel room. Loads of stress and expenses I could have done without.

On top of that, I came down with a cold or flu or whatever it was that caused me to feel shit for the past few days. Even had to skip the Heideroosjes gig last night. Meh. Bit of an anti-climax. Let's turn that around in Amsterdam!

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