Thursday December 8, 2005

Where did I leave my... oops.


Billy Idol was a tad boring last night and to be honest, Amsterdam wasn't all that great either. Got home a quarter to four, snoozed for a bit, packed, went to the train station to go back to Amsterdam.. and realised I had forgotten my BritRail pass. Oops. No use in travelling the UK without it.

Knowing there would be no fucking way to catch my flight to Manchester anymore, I relaxed, went home and showered. Any flight to Manchester today would now cost me over €300 so that's one gig I'll be missing. I refuse to not make Glasgow though, so I just booked a €100 flight for tomorrow morning, Rotterdam to London, from where I'll take the train to Scotland. (Note: bring BritRail pass, Robert!)

Damn. Due to the cancelled Northampton gig and my own personal Manchester fuckup, I'm only going to see 9 HorrorPops gigs this year!

Someone keep me out of the pub tonight.

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