Wednesday October 26, 2005

Peace and quiet


No need to call 911 (or 112), I'm still alive. I have been ill the past days, but not with bird flu, so there's a good chance I will survive.

Palestine from the river to the sea


It's no secret that I have some concerns about Iran's integrity regarding the nuclear stand-off. It's no secret that I dislike the mullahs' confrontations with the west. So, as a mental exercise, please try and predict how I feel about President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's latest sign of goodwill:

Speaking at a seminar entitled "World without Zionism", Ahmadinejad said that Israel was the product of an ideological war between the "Arrogant World Order" and the "Islamic rule", adding that the Jewish state had to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Excusez-moi? Normally I try to focus on subjects such as terrorism and democracy, filtering out generalisations and other politically incorrect opinions. But as atheist (or agnostic secularist at best) I'm getting closer and closer to simply proposing to wipe Islamic rule off the face of the earth. It'd be a bit of a shame of the democratic Islamic projects in Turkey and Iraq, but to do without those insane, murderous, wet dreams of a caliphate.. it might just be worth it.

(And to think I almost wrote something boring about not wanting to give up ICANN to Chinese censurists!)

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