Thursday October 27, 2005

Am I aheterophobic?


While chatting on MSN to Charlotte, I discovered that part of me might very well be homophobic, or perhaps aheterophobic. Let me explain.

I've kissed some blokes myself and quite a few of my (girl)friends are bisexual. I completely have no problem whatsoever with people who are attracted to the same sex. Good for them, and if the guy is fit, perhaps good for me (for kissing only).

I do however have a problem understanding people who find that attraction solely in the same sex. How can a guy not like girls? How can a girl not like guys? It's incomprehensible (to me). I accept bisexuality more easily than homosexuality. But the word homophobic doesn't quite cover that particular sentiment: it's the lack of heterosexuality in gay people that sets them apart from bisexuals and not the inclusion of homosexuality. So perhaps I'm aheterophobic?

(That, or this morning I ran into one of those over-the-top gay people and I needed to vent. What's up with these weirdos, who aren't just openly gay but actually carry with them all the extravagant 1980s out-of-the-closet gay pride and lifestyle crap complete with outfit, voice and numb hand wave? How am I supposed to respect people who obviously don't respect themselves?)

I *heart* beaver


I love Canadian beaver. That said, here's some wildlife news:

Six European beavers are to be released at Lower Mill Estate near South Cerney, Gloucestershire, and will be the first to roam wild in the UK for centuries.

If the pioneering scheme is successful, it is hoped beavers can once again thrive in the British countryside.

What the Beeb apparently has not noticed is that, with the British social decline and all, this news is a bit outdated. Beavers are already thriving in the countryside. Ask any drunken teenager.

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