Friday September 16, 2005

USA 3, Cuba 11


During the baseball World Cup quarter final USA-Cuba this Wednesday, I was happily flaunting the star-spangled banner to support the American college boys. Overheard:

Are you sure that's wise?

Actually, yeah, quite sure. Anti-Americanism or not, if a dozen of people can freely waive the Cuban flag, I think I should be able to at least barely get away with supporting a democracy, no?

Junk (food) legislation


In case you've been stuck at the Jack in the Box and haven't gotten the news: Governor Schwarzenegger is banning the sale of junk food in Californian high schools to battle obesity.

"We are going to terminate obesity in California once and for all," the former bodybuilder and actor said.

No, you're not going to do that.

You're just going to piss of healthy kids who would like a tasteful snack or meal because their bodies can perfectly handle them. You're also going to send obese families into debt because eat they will, and if not at the school cafeteria it will be at Wendy's after class. You're also going to send state-funded schools into debt because current products actually generate revenue from producers.

What Schwarzenegger should be doing is to stop using the now-boring catchphrase "terminate" and to return responsibility to individuals instead of nanny-stating the population as some sort of kindergarten cop.

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