Wednesday September 14, 2005

"Bring It On!" out now!


FYI: Bring It On! is out now! I might post a CD review at some point, although it is probably not going to be very interesting: I am "Dan" rather biased.

If you can't find the record at your local CD store, you can find Bring It On! on CD Universe and other on-line stores, or order it on the Hellcat label, catalogue number 80473!

The Fourth Reich, 2005-?

European Union

You might not have read it in the newspaper. You probably didn't see it on television nor hear it on the radio. You probably didn't even conclude it from related reports as the one I will be quoting. But yesterday was an important day in the history of the European Union: twenty-five nations effectively lost their souvereignity. Oi.

See, the European Court of Justice ruled that the European Commission can force member states to impose criminal sanctions against violations of EU environmental law. Environmental law only, at the moment, but nonetheless a landmark decision that sets a nasty precedent.

Mindful of the hostile reaction likely in some member states, the commission insists that it does not want to create a community criminal code and says it shall only use such legislation for serious offences.

Reassuring? Not quite. The Commission is basically saying that although it does not want to create a community criminal code, it does consider itself to have the appropriate power to do so. I have to hand it to the Brussels crowd: that's quite an accomplishment for an unelected institution, to obtain the right to turn majority opinion into law and then enforce it on disagreeing nations.

So now we wait for the first French politician to note the Dutch are out of order with their drugs laws. Or the first socialist politician to single out the UK for it's far-too-liberal (so they say) market economy. Or.. well, you get the idea: there now is a neat precedent that the Commission can harmonise where and whenever it pleases.

Pull out, pull out, whereever you are.

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