Wednesday August 16, 2006

God in the constitution?

European Union

In Dutch newspaper Metro, random interviewee Arjen Prinsen mentioned Jan-Peter Balkenende's desire to see a reference to God in the European constitution as one reason not to like our PM. I tend to agree: the proposed constitution is already bad enough without such a reference and let's not make it even worse.

Don't get me wrong, I very much like the lyrical "we hold these truths to be self-evident" preamble to the US constitution even though it does mention a creator. But to my knowledge there is no mention of any creator or divinity in particular (aka "God" in these parts of the woods), let alone the genocidal freak mentioned in the Bible that Balkenende seems to be so fond of despite numerous documented instances of approved or even delegated murder, torture, rape and terror.

Perhaps killing that constitution is nearly impossible, but I fills me with joy to read comments like Arjen's in the newspaper. They bring hope that perhaps one day we can prove Nietzsche right.

Haircut warning


Hello peeps. You have until four thirty to e-mail, ring or text me your suggestions for my new haircut.

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