Tuesday August 15, 2006

Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire


Neil comments on the cease-fire between Israel and Lebanon/Hezbollah:

So it cheered me up quite a bit to see Erick Erickson's new piece on Red State saying that this could be a big PR boon for our side when (not if) Hezbollah violates the terms of the cease fire. Let's just hope Olmert doesn't hold back at that point!

PR boon? What makes you think the world won't just say "restraint Israel, restraint" again?

Find the easter egg!


Nothing new here: I'm still working on new site features, one of them being the expansion of journal entries from a private system to one everyone can enjoy. Unfortunately going from one dedicated journal to a setup where every user can post might cause some regressions. To avoid these, I've posted a journal entry as another user to test properly handling multiple authors.

Try to find a reference to the entry.. if you do, I'll enable the journal beta for your user account! (Alas, no other freebies at the moment, still working on a marketing plan and budget.)

A small hint: the entry is called "Harry Potter and the Invisible Easter Bunny". A small warning: it might be hard to find because at this point any public appearance outside of the daily/weekly e-mail digest would be considered a bug: the easter egg entry is not supposed to show up on my journal anywhere.

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