Wednesday July 19, 2006

World War III!


Europe is chilling out in the heat, but the rest of the world is as lively as ever: Newt Gingrich says "it's World War III", referring to the war on terrorism in general. And Hezbollah would love World War III, said Iranian Hizbollah's spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli:

"They have been trained and they can become fully armed. We are ready to dispatch them to every corner of the world to jeopardise Israel and America's interests. We are only waiting for the Supreme Leader's green light to take action. If America wants to ignite World War Three ... we welcome it," he said.

Hm.. was that just something about welcoming World War III? I couldn't exactly hear it with everbody screaming at Israel to show restraint. Hey Israel, once again they welcome total war and destruction, preferably yours.. show some restaint!

Anyway, people have long argued the war on terror is a World War. Not everyone fights everywhere and surely some spots in the world show weaknesses, but everyone's involved already. I wonder then why Israel and the US are singled out. Is it maybe because the US indeed stands by Israel, which has always been terrorists' favourite target.

Doomsday Clock needs update


Doomsday Clock is cool:

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has informed the world what time it is since 1947, when its now-famous "Doomsday Clock" first appeared of the cover of the magazine. Since then, the minute hand of the clock has moved forward and back to reflect the global level of nuclear danger and the state of international security.

So what's the current time?

Chicago, February 27, 2002: Today, the Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moves the minute hand of the "Doomsday Clock," the symbol of nuclear danger, from nine to seven minutes to midnight, the same setting at which the clock debuted 55 years ago. Since the end of the Cold War in 1991, this is the third time the hand has moved forward.

Um, hello. This is 2006. North Korea and nukes? Check. Iran? Let us get back to you on Iran. World War III both observed and welcomed. Move that clock to midnight I'd say, and get those fireworks started.

Walibi World theme park even celibrates mid-summer New Year's Eve events. With fireworks. I didn't make a huge post about it because they are somewhat Australian themed, where mid-summer New Year celebrations make sense. So I let it slip. Still, silly.

PSV wants Kromkamp?


PSV wants to sign Jan Kromkamp:

"We have contacted Liverpool to ask what Kromkamp's status is," chairman Rob Westerhof told Voetbal International.

Good news, I think he'd definitely be an asset to the team.

Old pictures back up


I used to have tons of tagged pictures on-line at .net. I've copied those pictures to my laptop and will occasionally upload a few - first the ones from 2002 and onward because they already have EXIF data required for the import. First to have been restored: some of my pictures of San Francisco.

I love Bluetooth


Just a year ago, putting my photographs on my was a hassle. I had to take a memory card out of my camera, put it in a USB reader on my desktop, move the picture into my web site's directory and actually insert SQL manually.

These days I have an easy fully-functional upload interface on my web site and use my mobile phone for all pictures. Which is why, when getting a new laptop, I wanted a built-in Bluetooth dongle for just €20 more.

And I love it! I'm sitting on the balcony and transfer files from my phone still inside the house somewhere (no idea and I don't care). Copy, paste and I'm ready to upload! No more worries about cables, ever.

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