Monday July 17, 2006

Monopd back on track?


Don't immediately dismiss those rumours you've heard: it looks like a new monopd release may indeed be around the corner, considering the various signs of activity in that direction:

All in all, it looks like I'm slowly finding the right motivation to get my software projects back on track.

Stem cell federal funding


President Bush might use his first veto om an expension of federal funding for stem cell research:

Bush, who agreed in 2001 to using federal dollars for research on a limited number of existing stem cell lines, opposes the congressional plan to underwrite research using future embryos that would otherwise be discarded at fertility clinics.

To be honest, I don't care about the outcome - there are more important things to worry about. But I anticipate another run of "Bush bans research" criticism so it's good to (again) explain that restrictions on federal funding have nothing to do with the legality of stem cell research. You want stem cell research? Fine, go do it. Just don't expect the American taxpayer to sponsor you (even more), that's all.

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