Sunday July 16, 2006

Love you too


Khameini is proud of Hezbollah:

'The Islamic world states are proud of the courageous resistance by Hezbollah against the Zionist (Israeli) aggressors,' Khamenei said in a speech carried by state television.

'Lebanon was supposed to be turned into a centre for Western culture but this country has instead turned into a centre for Jihad (holy war) and resistance and this is exactly the opposite of what the Western hegemonic powers wanted,' the Ayatollah added.

This is now a big test for the Arab countries,' said Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid-Reza Assefi. 'If they do not show full solidarity, they could be next on Israel's target list.'

The spokesman declared Iran's full solidarity with Palestinians and Lebanon and urged all Islamic and Arab states to do the same.

Well, at least it's charming to see Iran is being nice to those who do their dirty work. Kaching, Hezbollah!

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