Sunday May 21, 2006

Copenhagen update


Hej hej! Copenhagen was fun! My trip started a bit unpleasant though. I woke up with a hangover and then had to rush to catch a flight, of an airliner who announces a two-hour delay immediately after boarding.

But around noon I had found my way to Copenhagen and started on a shopping spree. I had not brought any clothes other than the ones I was wearing. But I like shopping in foreign cities so that was not entirely unintentional. A few hours later I was carrying new boxers, socks, jeans, a shirt and shoes. I changed into them (all but boxers) at a quiet part of Christiania and went back into town for pizza at Deep Pan Pizza Company, one of my favourite restaurants in Copenhagen. The cheese in their deep dish melts all around and is sizzling in the pan when served, while creating a funky off-beat Danish taste.

Later in the evening I met up with Kirsten and after another beer we dropped my stuff at her flat and then went back to Christiania to meet up with Andre and for the Pinboys gig, of course. Loppen is a nice venue, where I discovered Frisk is an interesting wodka with Fisherman's Friend shooter. We then got drunk some more and I went back in the pit to mosh during Pinboys. Caught the drumstick, chatted with the band members a bit, bought two t-shirts, got some free pins and then finally went to Kirsten's flat again for some well-deserved sleep after a punk rock show.

Saturday Kirsten and I had salad lunch at Hard Rock Cafe, shopped some more (new boxers for me, I liked the Smog models on sale) and went home with Andre and Fren to get drunk and watch the Eurovision. We were all routing for Lordi, the Finnish metal band performing Hardrock Hallelujah. Obviously we all voted for them with our phones and rejoiced in their victory. Then we got very, very stoned and stayed up until way too late after laughing our asses off.

No hangover this morning though, I had a great nightrest! Had a quick lunch after reading my first three (and last three) pages of Harry Potter ever and sent postcards to Din and (sorry Inge, your address wasn't on my phone and I only had like twenty minutes at the train station including lunch and buying stamps). And then I flew home so I could write this down.

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