Tuesday March 21, 2006

Let's play..


For some reason I've been lured into bingo night once again. Unfair! Eight bingo cards, not quite pissed.. Might just be a lucky night once again! :)

Wish me luck! (Update: didn't win.)

The West should apologise


When I was just a young boy, I was quite fond of Michael Jackson. I am older (and wiser) now and while his music no longer interests me that much, at least I can comfort myself knowing the feeling would probably have been mutual. Jacko is no longer of any importance, but fans of nutters need not to worry: another wacko is at large in Iran: President "Ahmadinejacko" Ahmadeinejad.

If you have been living under a rock for the past months: Iran is trying to enrich uranium and has hidden its activities for eighteen years which is pretty much a no-no in international politics. In August, the IAEA recommended referring the Iran issue to the Security Council which so far resulted in all talk and no action. Even though Ahmadinejad wished upon Israel another holocaust in October. Even though in February.

No wonder Jacko is not at all impressed and seeks an apology from the West:

“Today they tell our nation that nuclear energy is a bad thing and it is not necessary for our people to have it. But the nation of Iran has stood (for its right),” he said in a televised speech to mark the Iranian New Year, which begins Tuesday. “Those who head war and crimes accused the Iranian nation of war seeking. They insulted our nation. I do advise them to apologize.”

I suppose he does has some sort of a point here. Evidently his expressed desire to wipe Israel off the face of the earth was not an insult to that nation. Evidently wiping Israel off the face of the earth is not a quest for war. Therefore we should appease this nutter for a while and not show muscle until demographics turn Europe into Eurabia, leaving Israel completely cornered and out of reach from US support. And once we've apologised and paid for tolerating those pesky Jews, we can get rid of some more infidels and introduce the death penalty for Christianity (by public hanging) just like Afghanistan:

The judge deciding whether an Afghan man should be executed for converting to Christianity does not understand what all the fuss is about.

"In this country, we have a perfect constitution. It is Islamic law and it is illegal to be a Christian and it should be punished," Judge Alhaj Ansarullah Mawawy Zada said in an interview yesterday. "In your country, two women can marry. I think that is very strange."

Strange it may be, so let's apologise for that as well. We're not even done apologising for our right to draw political cartoons, but sure, we're going to apologise some more and bow to the wishes of the caliphate. First we'll allow the slaughtering of six millions Jews (again), then we'll allow persecution of those with a different religious belief (again) and last but not least we'll round up everyone not popular enough to wear a pink shirt.

And then we truly have reason to call ourselves wacko and to apologise.

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