Monday March 20, 2006

Paddy Volkerding


Why Slackware? Read the slackware-current ChangeLog and you'll see why:

Fri Mar 17 16:42:40 CST 2006
l/cairo-1.0.4-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to cairo-1.0.4.
l/gtk+2-2.8.16-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to gtk+-2.8.16.
n/dnsmasq-2.27-i486-1.tgz: Upgraded to dnsmasq-2.27.
Oh, and happy St. Patrick's day! :-)

It's just a little wish and it's completely off-topic for a ChangeLog. I'm even reading it three days late. But it definitely makes one want to say: hey Pat, same to you!

Or take this one for example:

a/glibc-solibs-2.3.6-i486-3.tgz: Recompiled against 2.4.32 and kernel headers. Yes, I have seen that shiny-looking glibc-2.4 release on, but glibc-2.4 completely drops support for linuxthreads, and therefore will not support vanilla Linux 2.4.x kernels. I don't think we're quite ready for that yet around here.

Indeed, we're not. Vanilla rules when it comes to software packaging. Thanks again, Pat.

Slackware 10.2 packages for Monopd


One benefit of running a 100% vanilla Slackware installation: I can make proper packages for my software once again. If you're running 10.2 and are interested in a hassle-free installation of Monopd: head for the Atlantik download page and marvel at the TGZ packages for libmath++, monopd and libCapsiNetwork.

Or maybe you are really hip and using slapt-get (Slackware's APT) in which case you could just add SOURCE=
to your /etc/slapt-get/slapt-getrc and a simple --update and --install monopd will fetch and install all packages required for monopd automagically.

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