Tuesday March 14, 2006



I should write more about Rotterdam developments. Cranes for new highrise buildings appear throughout half the city while other huge redevelopment plans are underway as well. Such as an extension of the subway to the northwest, to be fully integrated with the The Hague tram network. A new central station which also links Rotterdam (and Amsterdam) to the high speed rail network offering faster (rail) travel times to Brussels, London and Paris. New clubs, restaurants and coffee houses (read: coffee, not marijuana) are rapidly appearing.

Maybe I should read Londonist more closely again and work on a multi-user journal system (again) where friends and myself can post similar news and events on Rotterdam. It's an idea I can't seem to let go, even though most of the time I don't seem to be willing to put effort into it.

Thank you Vidal Sassoon


I'm twice as handsome as I used to be if the opinions of myself and a few birds I care about matter. And I owe it all to my hair straightener!

That said, someone please force me to get that MMS update code up and running so I can camwhore and post the results right away. Otherwise it will continue to take weeks (if not months) for me to upload pictures of new haircuts and that would be a bad thing would it not?

Emo confession


Inge, I miss you. I wish I could fall asleep having you in my arms. I wish I could wake up having you near me. I wish you would be here right now to bite my neck (slave to the fetish!) and I wish I could be late for work because we've been making out all night.

But despite that not being true, you being in Veldhoven and me in Rotterdam.. I'm rather glad to have you as my girlfriend. I just thought you should know.

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