Friday March 10, 2006

Cheap Thrills tonight


No more fever and the weekend has started: time for a gig! tonight, at Eurodusnie in Leiden. Should be a good opportunity to catch up on their lyrics before the video recording in Haarlem on Sunday.

And it's a very good excuse to finalise that MMS update feature if not solely for the reason I almost never manually transfer pictures from my phone to then post them on my site. Maybe tomorrow, even though I'm going to Eindhoven for Inge so I don't know where to find the time.

Argie terrorism


Nice discussion on Skyscraper City about the Falkland Islands the past days. Apparently the Argies want them back and a number of weirdos were threatening a 7/7 repeat if Britain would be so imperialistic to defend its soil from aggression. At least it proves terrorism and Islam are not inherently linked but it's sad other ideologies also bring forth nutters willing to drop uniform, conceal weapon and attack civilians when they don't get there way.

Daddy doesn't love me


My dad thinks the final decision on abortion is up to the woman and that undesired children are scarred for life, so abortion should be legal. But then why not give men a say? If it is unbearable mommy didn't want a baby, why is it okay to let children grow up without a desiring father? Why is it bad to have children growing up not desired by both parents but okay to grow up knowing daddy would've given up on me had mommy not desired me?

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