Tuesday November 22, 2005

Novell dumps KDE


I hate being right.

When Novell bought both SuSE and Ximian, many critical minds including myself anticipated the worst. Many more, including SuSE VP of R&D and KDE e.V. member and assembly chair member of the 2005 meeting, Chris Schläger, denied it: we all love KDE.

Novell is committed to supporting both GNOME and KDE desktop environments in its Linux desktop.

Yada-yada. And:

I'm sure that we are going to sponsor KDE development in the future. We have (I think) sponsored every major KDE event, like we did with aKademy this year. So why should we stop now?! Novell is very much committed to KDE!

Well, apparently the word commitment has not just been redefined in divorce laws, but also in the world of software development. For it appears to be true after all, Novell practically dumps KDE for GNOME:

Novell is making one large strategic change. The GNOME interface is going to become the default interface on both the SLES (SuSE Linux Enterprise Server) and Novell Linux Desktop line.

KDE libraries will be supplied on both, but the bulk of Novell's interface moving forward will be on GNOME.

"The entire KDE graphical interface and product family will continue to be supported and delivered on OpenSuSE," said Mancusi-Ungaro.

Nice words, but they are way too little, too late. Isn't this exactly the kind of support Red Hat offered while they were making a complete mess of their KDE "support", even spawing the third-party kde-redhat project? I should really try that on a girlfriend sometime. No, I'm not dumping you honey, I'm making a strategical change in favour of the brunette on the corner.

And my BBFC rating is..


Quiz time! And finally a short, entertaining one as well. So.. by scoring 67 points, my life has been rated...


Suitable for 18 years or older. This is real life. Anything in this category is considered to be of subject matter relating to adult life, that happens day in and day out. Walking down the street is an 18 certificate. You have a life, well done.

Examples: American Beauty, Scary Movie

I guess it helps that I swear, occasionally smoke pot, have sex, drink loads of beer, am addicted to rock music and stay clear of mainstream and charts. I had to cheat to see if there was an R-rating but it seems like I'm just one murder and a few gay orgies away from "You are filthy. congratulations!". Might be worth a change of lifestyle, such praise.

Hopefully Neil will take the effort to get his all-ages rating, but I'm curious in general what other people score. Post some comments lads and gals!

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