Monday November 21, 2005

Back from Scandinavia


Scandinavia rules. Sure, a pint of beer costs 51 NOK (€6.50/£4.45/$7.65) and a pack of 20 fags sets one back 90 NOK (€11.45/£7.85/$13.50), but Scandinavia rules. The air is fresh. The gals are lovely, loose and bendy. The blokes are morons, but that only makes me look better in front of girls. Yup, I quite like it up north.

Flew into Copenhagen Thursday morning, called Kirsten to wish her mom a happy birthday, got a new tattoo at Baby Lou's, went to Malmö for the HorrorPops tour opening and even got a few hours of sleep between 5 and 8. On Friday I flew to Oslo, walked around with Left Alone and danced a bit more during their performance and of course during the HorrorPops' performance as well. I got the impression that I could've pulled but with a 7am flight it didn't seem like a good idea. In case the blonde girl chatting me up ever reads this: du har pene øyne and I'm truly sorry.

As said, took a flight back to Amsterdam early Saturday morning. Back to work for a couple of weeks now.. and I'll see everyone again in The Hague on the 6th!

Boycott Bejing 2008


Neil says we should and links to a nice parody of the "Five Friendlies" mascottes. A bit of torture here, some censorship there.

I fully support a boycott for political reasons alone, but even more so because one of my close mates might very well be competing and I would be concerned for her safety in China. I hope she and can wait for gold until 2012, close to home in London.

Tobacco addiction


Some people have a craving for fags beyond belief:

A French woman has admitted attempting to open an aeroplane door mid-flight so that she could smoke a cigarette.

Insert obligatory French joke here. Kudos to Chris for the link.

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