Friday September 2, 2005

Reply biatches


Via Inge.

1. Reply with your name and I'll respond with something random about you.
2. I'll tell you what song/movie reminds me of you.
3. I'll pick a flavor of jello to wrestle with you in.
4. I'll say something that only makes sense to you and me.
5. I'll tell you my first memory of you.
6. I'll tell you what animal you remind me of.
7. I'll ask you something that I've always wondered about you.
8. If I do this for you, you must post this on your journal. You MUST. It is written.

Try me, as I am extremely curious myself. People don't remind me of animals and as city boy I don't know that many animals in the first place, so this could be fun if you're not me.

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