Friday August 5, 2005

Growing opposition against 'tan ban'

European Union

I'm a bloke and enjoy a fair share of low cut dresses. But under yet another insane EU proposal, the Optical Radiation Directive, such sights might become history:

The EU Optical Radiation Directive was originally designed to protect employees who work with X-ray machines or hot industrial equipment.

The European Commission added an amendment including sunlight as another potential danger to be controlled.

European Union officials insist the directive is not about changing apparel:

"There are, of course, very simple preventative measures like sun cream - this is not about changing your clothes."

Nonetheless, Bavaria's buxoms feel threatened for Oktoberfest and businesses have been protesting the directive as well. Criticism ranges from "impossible to implement" to claims of an "outright cleavage ban". In its usual sensationalist way, The Sun even screamed "save our juggs" on page 3. That's a bit over the top, but when faced with the astonishing amount of over-regulation coming from Brussels, who can blame them?

Three new HorrorPops dates


As the Australian tour comes to an end, three new dates for the US tour have been announced!

Check my HorrorPops category for more tour dates and news!

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