Monday August 1, 2005

Comfort food


As obesity is an Anglosphere hype and as I'm sick of personal entries, I'm posting this under said topic. Apparently lovesick teens turn to junk food.

A third of young people admit they turn to food when they are unhappy about their love lives, a survey has shown.

Not just teens, I can tell you. I've been eating a lot of heart-mending chocolate and take-away shoarma myself lately. But neither mends the heart nor takes away the pain.

Susan Ringwood, chief executive of the Eating Disorders Association, said: "Eating disorders can develop when someone uses food to try and control their feelings, which can be physically and mentally damaging.

"The best way to make a full recovery is to seek help as soon as a problem develops."

Okay then. Help! I still love her.

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