Friday July 29, 2005

Even more US tour dates


In addition to the initial list of US tour dates and the update here are some more HorrorPops tour dates for their seven-week tour:

Also check the official site. And excuse me now, as I'm off to to pimp these dates around in a bulletin.

Don't touch my Heiny

European Union

The five-pointed red star is the symbol of communism, a symbol banned in Hungary. Dutch brewery Heineken also uses a red star to promote its products.

See where this is going? Hungarians are bringing Heineken to court (Dutch; free registration required) for use of the logo. Loosely quoting one of the upset people: "if beer can be sold with a red star, who's going to prevent the sale of cookies with a swastika?".

That's a silly remark. Heineken is not using the communist red star to promote beer. It has used its trademarked logo since the 19th century. Long before Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin and the slighest notion of socialism, communism and Soviet oppression.

And even if Heineken hadn't been around for so long: banning disputed symbols for all purposes only helps the bad guys, by giving them a monopoly on basic geometrical figures. Let's hope Heineken wins this case. If not, freedom of expression is dead in Europe. As is red-star Mozilla.

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