Tuesday July 19, 2005
Catch 27 - Join my pack
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 19, 2005 13:04 CEST
Passing time with on-line nonsense is better than crying. So be a good friend and help me through this crappy week (see previous posts) by letting me own you.. or trade you away for better friends: join my Pack at Catch27! It's a trading game where you can try to collect 27 friends to win an iPod. Basically, everyone's personal profile is treated like a baseball card (Anglosphere concept, yay!) and you trade your friends to complete a theme of your liking. Wicked!
If you haven't figured out by now that trade-talking with someone is an awesome way to meet good-looking people, you're too dumb to play on Catch27, and should go back to MySpace.
Really fond of the idea. And now please sign up so I can trade your for someone hotter. Or if you make your profile worth it.. I'll base my theme around you!
- PermaLink: Catch 27 - Join my pack
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