Monday July 18, 2005
Indie chick - sort of
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 18, 2005 14:13 CEST
Doing quizes beats crying, so I stole this one from a pretty girl:
You Are an Indie Rocker!
You are in it for the love of the music... And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label. You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success. You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career.
Had I chosen "I'm singing" instead of "drums" though, I would be a rock chick scoring all the guy groupies. Woo-hoo. Life has been hinting me to be gay for almost 28 years now, maybe I should take notice?
(Forget it. I like girls, can't help it.) :'(
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I'm still alive
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 18, 2005 18:17 CEST
Don't worry. I'm still alive. I feel numb, I have trouble eating, I barely sleep and my heart is on the intensive-care, but I'm alive. I made some MySpace-style knife and wrists pictures (with real red ink!) last night but I'm not phoney enough to post them. Besides, I'm very hard on myself and force myself to love her as a friend.
It's just that the majority of entries are "Private" at the moment, I'm primarily using my journal as a notebook for the things I can't quite put to poetry yet. So don't expect a lot of entries this week, unless I'm going to be an open book about my feelings. :'(
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Poems, pictures and piercings
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 18, 2005 23:21 CEST
Okay, I suppose I'll be that open book from the previous entry.
Six poems in 36 hours: forget about a million monkeys on typewriters, all it takes is one broken heart. That's 45 for her now, in little over 11 months. I have only written more for Katy: 51 poems. But that took me over three years and I have a feeling that "record" will be broken fairly soon as I'm not done yet writing down my feelings for in what will hopefully be a smooth transition from madly-in-love to "mately"-love.
For better or worse, Rach is my muse.
That said, as I write this I notice I haven't even yet removed her picture from my bedroom wall. The one in the picture frame in my wallet is gone but she's still smiling her lovely smile at me in here. Brb.
There, gone.
And my piercing hurts. Figures. Although I've always liked the idea of them, her fondness for them was the extra bit of motivation to get one done. She doesn't even know yet, I kept it as a surprise for a snog, but fortune wasn't kind enough to bring us together since. Which is exactly why she's moving on. Can't blame her, that's precisely the smart girl I fell in love with. :'(
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