Friday July 8, 2005

Mostly alright now


It was a bit hectic yesterday, but I'm mostly alright now. Everyone I tried to get in touch with replied and is okay. Unfortunately some people I know did have losses, or friends with losses. All I can do for them is tell them they should try to be there for each other now.

I don't really am in the mood to post about the Green Day gig last night, other than that I'm glad my friend convinced me to come after all for I had some doubts. It was somewhat pleasant to have a distraction from the terrorist attack. I remember clearly that I sat numb in front of the TV for days on after 9/11. The attacks on London still occupy my thoughts and I am losing work because of them, but most of the time I am just relieved that everyone I know is unharmed.

Small poem about London


I've written better ones, but I don't want to withhold this small poem about London. I do however wish I was a better poet as there are countless more places there where splendid memories were formed and friendships were built. And there must be far better words to describe what a wonderful city it is. Whenever I visit I feel like I belong there and I am looking forward to return for my birthday. Also, it just comes to mind that I could've done a nice wicked/cricket rhyme.

I'm off for the weekend now and will hopefully return with a revised, better poem on Monday.

Update, Monday: Or not.

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