Thursday July 7, 2005

Tube explosions - London shuts down


Don't worry: the tube explosion at Liverpool St Station (main link to Stansted airport) is probably just a power surge. That doesn't mean there's no widespread chaos: people were wounded and the entire network has been shut down.

Thing could have been worse though. It could have happened while I was there three weeks ago on my gig trip or in two weeks time on my birthday trip. Or before the IOC decision to award London the 2012 Olympic Games.

Hopefully this will put more investment into tube upgrades, preferably private investment. At this point I'm pretty sure most commuters would gladly accept lines to be taken out of service for half a year each in order to get some proper repairs done, instead of midnight patch jobs which are just not sufficient anymore.

Update 11:40am: Okay, do worry. A Spanish post on the skyscraper forum mentions seven tube station explosions and three bus explosion (those would be hard to explain by a power surge) and the Beeb seems to confirm that Edgware Rd and Aldgate (both located near Liverpool St) seem to have had incidents as well. Going Underground mentions a litter box at Russel Square Station. In the meanwhile, Londonist adds Paddington, mentions explosives devices and confirms three bus explosions. To be continued.

Update 3:40pm: I haven't been live blogging much, I've been too numb, angry, calm.. pretty much every state of mind one can expect after cowardly terrorist attacks. News updates from have been very slow and blurry anyway. Most of my friends are okay though as I wait to hear back from a few others, I've reiterated some political thoughts on the attacks, I've donated to the British Red Cross and urge people who can spare some money to do the same. Sky now claims at least 45 died, a number which may rise as many are apparently still trapped at King's Cross station. I'm wearing my Union Jack wristband to Green Day tonight and pray Billy Joel has the respect to moderate his political rants and to hold a minute of silence in respect.

Never forget, never surrender


New York City 2001 (WTC). Moscow 2002 (National Theatre). Madrid 2004 (train station). Moscow 2004 (Chechen attacks). London 2005 (tube and bus). Looking at those cities, maybe terrorists just don't like the Olympic Games.. on the other hand, attacks like these take planning so my money is on the G8 summit.

Either way.. I will not tolerate that a bunch of radicalists blow up, nay, target innocent people to get their point across. Attack military installations and I'll be upset, but it's fair play. Attack regular commuters, party people, urban citizens, people like you and me.. and I'll be pissed off beyond recognition. Not right now, I'm still fairly calm and just wishing the best for anyone in London and anyone with mates, family or other loved ones in London.

Fortunately is not there and she's safe. I can't reach Amanda, David and Isy at the moment, I hope they are okay.

I'm still going to London in two weeks even though chances are Lenny Kravitz, Steph and won't be making an appearance. I won't surrender my life to terrorism. For all I care I have to swim and walk to get there. I sort of wish I was there right now to give aid, but it's best to not do anything crazy and let the professionals and locals sort it out to their best abilities.

Oh, I activated the London theme out of respect. No idea how long I'll keep it up, for now I've enabled it for 48 hours.

Why I pick Bush and Blair over radical Islam


I like (punk) rock music and that subculture is primarily on the left side of the political spectrum. As a result, many of my friends opposed the Iraq war and possible the one in Afghanistan as well.

Well, I'd pick Bush and Blair over radical Islam any day.

Here's what I posted on the TR forum in response to a question about the possible motives of Al-Qaeda and whether it was to conquer the world and make us all Muslims:


When it comes to Al-Qaeda, they do indeed have a problem with democracy, individual freedom, female rights, capitalism and the wealth that brings (sure, we have poverty but free markets do bring more progress of all models ever tried)..

I know a lot of people opposed the Iraq war, but let's be honest: life under Tony Blair and George Bush is ten times better than life under pretty much any Islamic regime. Our discussions are about gay marriage.. in those countries homosexuals face torture. Women can't vote and get stoned for promiscious behaviour (including walking with a boy).

Which doesn't mean I have anything against the Islam, but there are a lot of Islamic radicalists who are a bad deal for their own people and us and I do have something against them. You might hate our leaders, but at least you can openly call them assholes. And you can walk into a mosque anywhere in the US/UK. Don't expect to be able to voice such criticism in countries like Syria and Saudi Arabia (added note: and former Iraq and Afghanistan), or expect many English or American pubs there.

I have the uttermost respect to Muslims here who distantiate themselves from such radical thoughts. But people who attack innocent civilians on purpose.. that's just unacceptable. Innocent people died in Iraq as well, but they were never the target and a lot of good is being done there as well. That's a difference to me.

If that makes me a hawk, so be it. But let me quote the words of Cliff May on The Corner:

I have not yet heard anyone suggest that this has happened because of Tony Blair's decision to support the Americans intervention in Iraq.

It would be a useful advance if it were widely understood that those created this carnage are to blame for this carnage - and no one else. But I'm not confident we're there yet.

Neither am I, but I can hope.

Donate to British Red Cross


For those of you unable to give blood or provide aid for the victims of the London bombings directly, here's a link to the British Red Cross. I just made a £20 donation myself - would've been more if I didn't already ccharge so much on my creditcard lately. Every bit helps though. Even if the money goes to worldwide relief I've done some good. Maybe I should cancel my yearly WWF donations and focus on humanitarian aid and disaster relief instead.

Ken Livingstone on the attacks


London Mayor Ken Livingstone on the attacks:

I want to say one thing, specifically to the world today - this was not a terrorist attack against the mighty and the powerful, it was not aimed at presidents or prime ministers, it was aimed at ordinary, working-class Londoners, black and white, Muslim and Christian ... young and old ... that isn't an ideology, it isn't even a perverted fate, it is an indiscriminate attempt at mass murder.

They seek to divide London, they seek Londoners to turn against each other ... this city of London is the greatest in the world because everybody lives side by side in harmony. Londoners will not be divided by this cowardly attack.


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