Saturday July 2, 2005

England trip (June 14-20)


That's right, I found some time to write about my England trip. This will probably be a disjointed entry because I'm just pasting (or rather summarising) notes from my notebook in which I proudly wrote with cinnamon and bubble gum scented pens. (Yeah.)

Present/past tense might flip back and forth, my apologies. Also, gets a tad personal at the end.

Tuesday June 14, 7:20am: read about a car-sharing project in the in-flight magazine and came across a nice quote of Aristotle that seemed to match my free-spirited mood:

You find wealth in use, not possession.

Most further notes for Tuesday involve queuing for Weezer. They're a bit emo I'm afraid, but I did discover Kettle Chips crips. Excellent.. hand-cooked, thick, quality flavour. Weezer kicked ass, as I knew they would.

11:30pm: Met some nice students from Utah at the gig: Laura, Shannon, Britney, Emily and Jessica. We're back towards Bayswater now, in bus N159.

Wednesday June 15, 7:39am: Woke up early because I still had my alarm set to meet up with Rach, even though that plan was out of the picture already.

Nothing special going on in the queue except for seeing Earsy again. Also think I spotted Leanne galloping around in Die Ärtze gear. Even though that never worked out (no happy ending, not even a happy beginning), it was somewhat reassuring to know that when I like a girl once, I'll like her for ever as she still looked beautiful and very alive. Weezer played better the second night. Or maybe I just enjoyed it more because I had a Norwegian girl to hold, Silja. No Kari, not "our" Silja.

Thursday June 16, 11:15am: Shopping spree! Saw wicked shoes but didn't want to spend £140. Bought a book for sale, The annals of London. Some "touchable" bubbles for the Green Day dates.

12:30pm: Went to Camden. Thought of whatsername every time I saw nice clothing or accessoiries. Hiyer, my name is Whipped.

12:12am: must have been an uneventful day, or a very eventful one. No thrilling notes except that I have to write about the China riots, which hopefully I still will as I hate oppression.

Friday June 17, ~2pm: Sunbathing at Hyde Park. Bought a pink shirt and trousers at Surprise, surprise in the morning and a necklace of The Offspring at Camden. Bought excellent purple Converse shoes for sale at Footlocker. Resisted buying a HIM bracelet as a present for whatsername, then bought her something else anyway. Hiyer, my name is Whipped. Seriously.

12:16am: Didn't want to do the binge drinking routine again so I saw a movie, Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It was quite okay (more humour than I expected) and I always enjoy life when I'm having Pepsi and popcorn anyway.

Saturday June 18, 9am: Bought sunlotion. Sunburn still inevitable in this 35+ weather, though. I've been to places in London where the sun "don't" shine, but few existed this trip!

10:23am: off to Milton Keynes. Wow, I'm actually seeing places now.

~5pm: notes from Ashley, Hannah, Lisa and Taz. Not just in my journal though, I believe at some point I had eyeliner all over my body. Can't say that I did mind, nor did I really mind snogging three girls. Damn, I really like Taz.

No more notes but if I recall correctly I had a great time seeing Taz, erm, Green Day. Both rocked.

Sunday June 19, 1:25pm: Slept in. Off to MK again.

7:15pm: still not a big fan of Hard-Fi, but Taking Back Sunday were awesome. Bit of moderate moshing and dancing on my part. called about an hour ago but I missed the call, just as I missed it yesterday in Hyde Park.

8:23pm: ran into Rob whom I met at the Jimmy Eat World (on soon) gig in Amsterdam. It's a small world after all. Kettle Chips with crushed peppercorns are definitely the most excellent snack ever, by the way.

10:05pm: Rach rang again but Green Day was on (ever better than Saturday) so couldn't answer. Should've gotten a pre-paid card earlier so I could ring back (no-go on company phone) but I figured she'd get in touch sooner, didn't want to disturb her during exam month.

Monday June 20, 1:24pm: On a train again, back from Milton Keynes for the third day in a row. Something to do with going there this morning because I really like Taz.

3:30pm: Missed my bloody flight. I risked staying with Taz for an hour longer and then the train stood still in Tring for half an hour. Was booked to a later flight so I had time to make some calls with the pre-paid card after all. Yay!

The trip journal ends with around six pages of rambling about whether I'm a player. In the end, I don't think so. If Taz wants to take me off the market, it could, would and should mean not being with for HIM. But I should not yet be worrying about that, I'm still single. I might not be in a while, but that time hasn't come yet.

Crappy trip update, I know. I think I should have stuck with my previous summary:

Loads of shopping, gigs, sunshine and snogs.

Oh well, at least I had an amazing week regardless of whether I can create a decent write-up or not.

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