Wednesday June 8, 2005

Back from backing the bid


Neil writes on that . And he was so kind to mention my support for London's bid.

However, I am slowly retracting my support for the London 2012 bid.

As I found out on Samizdata, apparently the mere £72 million of national government funding is not entirely accurate. A large share of the Olympic costs will initially be paid for using revenue from city council taxes. This money will eventually be recouped by the IOC, but it remains a question whether
that money will ever get back to the taxpayer directly. Read: a rethorical question with a negative answer.

Without the Olympic Games, London gets most of the proposed stadiums anyway. And because of the recoup scam, Londoners would indeed be spared from having to pay extra taxes. So sure, let Paris have it - on the condition no EU funds are used as I don't want to pick up the tab myself.

Poetry access levels


They are back: access levels for my poetry! There are four levels: public (everyone can see them), mates (registered friends only), muse (the personal ones I/we would like to keep special) and private (mostly crappy ones I'd rather not show until they are less recent). I can also give individual users access to individual poems.

Roadmap to the female orgasm


Apparently the big-O depends on genes, according to UK research:

Knowing which genes are important could potentially pave the way to drugs to help women orgasm.

The findings also suggest that women who orgasm easily may be satisfied with mates who are less skilled in bed.

Damn. Now I'll never know whether ex-gf's multiple orgasms where truly my own achievement! Although, actually, I do recall Kati exclaiming "wow, never before in this position".. ;-)

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