Monday June 6, 2005

Weekend schmeekend


Last weekend was a bit uneventful, if you don't count the pub visit last night. Okay, to be honest, it was just crap!

It all started with a small negative feeling about my London trip on Friday and exactly that hit me in the face Saturday afternoon: can't come after all. Let me state the bleeding obvious and write down that I am really not happy about that.

Even worse, possibly, is that I haven't heard from Charles anymore. I hope he remembered to send all my concert tickets over before he boarded his plane to California. If not, I will have to spend seven days in London without a single thing to look forward to. Big "meh".

Federalism in the Anglosphere


I think that federalism is not just hurting Europe, based on the Supreme Court ruling against medical marijuana:

The Supreme Court ruled today that federal agents may raid the homes of Californians who use medical marijuana, holding that the strict federal drug laws prevail over the state's liberalized marijuana laws.

"If there is any conflict between federal and state law, federal law shall prevail," said Justice John Paul Stevens for the 6-3 majority.

The Anglosphere is doing wickedly well when it comes to free markets, but on the subject of social liberties it still cannot offer safe haven for Dutch people like me, not even in California. Maybe the UK and Canada will still decriminalise recreational drugs, but for now: such a shame.

Furthermore, this decision is a blessing for federal agencies and a possible precedent to decrease the amount of decisions made at state-level, moving more and more competences away to the super state. Living in a country that shot down the European constitution for precisely that reason, I can only say: such a shame.

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