Tuesday May 31, 2005

Tomorrow it's 'no'!

European Union

I'm voting 'no' tomorrow. And with me half to two thirds of the Netherlands. But that's not good enough for Brussels' mock-democracy, no, they still know best:

The European Commission claimed the French said "non" because they simply didn't understand it.

But the (unelected) European Commission clearly doesn't understand the treaty itself. After all, it states it cannot go into effect until ratification by all twenty-five members, but that part seems to be unknown by its (unelected) President:

Commission President Jose Barroso said a French and Dutch 'no' couldn't scupper the constitution.

He went on: "Nine member states have already ratified the constitutional treaty. We can't just take the views of one or two countries."

A possible solution would be to let the behemoth from Brussels continue its stampede and to just ignore the European voter alltogether, which always worked in the past:

Socialist Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero then declared the decision of the French people should be ignored.

He said: "I respect France's decision but the Spanish government considers that the ratification process must go on."

This is not a democracy, this is an outright power grab. What part of representative don't these people get? Someone please stop them. Pull out United Kingdom, pull out Holland, pull out Denmark.

Or maybe I should move to Iraq. I always wanted to live in a democracy.

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