Monday May 30, 2005

Quite a weekend, drama-wise!


Drama in the ancient Greek sense, just a lot going on, both ups and downs.

Saturday after work, I was texting back and forth with Steph, talking about missing a certain girl. Cute? Stupid is more like it: I actually sent one of those messages to the girl in question by accident. I should buy myself a nice dumbass trophy.

Ran to the pub afterwards, watched USA - England. The latter won 1-2, but I was surprised to see the yanks are starting to play decent football these days, with their own style: fast-paced and very forward-minded, but a bit too eager with the finish. It was fun to watch.

Yesterday I cleaned the house (or started, anyway) and watched the cup final: PSV Eindhoven (my team) trashed Willem II Tilburg four-nil, finishing the season in style. Casper came over for a bit as well: funny how you can not see a person for ten years and get along like high school was yesterday.

Oh, last night's huge hangover is still going strong as I write this: no more drinking for me until the Garbage gig Thursday!

Bad treaty, worse arguments

European Union

Dutch Prime Minister Jan-Peter Balkenende regrets the French 'no' and turns it into a hilarious reason to support the treaty:

We moeten ons niet door de Fransen de wet laten voorschrijven.

Translation: "we should not be dictated by the French". Fair enough, but neither by Brussels.

Wednesday. No.

The typical left


Hatred, hatred, hatred, but no decency. I was chatting with a mate about the constitutional treaty, stating I prefer the Anglo-Saxon economical model as well as common law.

Even with a stupid imbecil like Bush as head of state?

We jump from Green Day's "American Idiot" to the Iraq war (both phrases uttered by him first). Later he wonders why I always start these conversations, when I know we have different opinions (we do, mine are based on the actual texts of resolutions 627, 689, 1441, the Geneva conventions, et cetera).

So I paste the above quote and ask him who really started it. I should have known that "I never said you started it!" would be the response. It's impossible to argue with leftists. Maybe I should be more like and stop bothering, although that'd make me quite mute at gigs.

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