Monday May 23, 2005

Eye for an eye..


Multi-cultural cities can be fun but personally I wouldn't mind if London would be void of anti-Anglosphere protestors gone wild:

Some among the crowd burned an effigy of Tony Blair on a crucifix and then set fire to a Union flag and a Stars and Stripes.

Led by a man on a megaphone, they chanted, "USA watch your back, Osama is coming back" and "Kill, kill USA, kill, kill George Bush". A small detail of police watched as they shouted: "Bomb, bomb New York" and "George Bush, you will pay, with your blood, with your head.

The reason for the protests? Well, most likely the (retracted!) Newsweek story on Koran desecration. Now, I don't think genocide is the answer to flushing a book down the toilet, but apparently both the Muslim Council for Britain and the Muslim Parliamentary Association of the UK, organising the protests, seem to think differently.

But where was the outcry when in 2002 Palestinian terrorists used the Bible as toilet paper at Bethlehem's Church of the Nativity?

Blame the system, not the parents


What happens when three sisters aged 12, 14 and 16 each give birth? The nanny state gives them £600 a week. But it's still not good enough for some "parents":

Mrs Atkins told the Sunday Mercury: "I don't care what people say about me. I blame the schools - sex education for young girls should be better."

I can't stand these kind of careful mothers. They take no responsibility at all for themselves, end up with a family that acts as a parasite to taxpayers and then still whine that the system is at fault. Despite getting £31k a year to take care of a problem that could have been avoided with a tiny bit of parental wisdom.

The worst part of it all: it's not the first family pregnancy, Natasha had previously had two miscarriages and an abortion. And still mom didn't think a word with her daughters would be appropriate?


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