Friday May 20, 2005

No means no means.. no?

European Union

Guardian sees the Dutch moving towards 'no' regarding the constitutional treaty, quoting two opinion polls resulting in 60-40 and 53-47 for the no camp.

The Netherlands will deliver a verdict three days after France's fateful vote on the European constitution on May 29. Although both races will be close, a double whammy no from France and Holland will be a knockout blow, triggering a new EU crisis and sending the union's planners back to the drawing board.

Note that "a new EU crisis" could just as well be read as "yet another EU crisis". After all, the past half decade brought Europe the inflation-happy euro, a French/German refusal to be bound to the treaty of Maastricht, the internal bickering over Iraq.. and this series of crises is exactly why the Dutch will vote no.

Now the only question that remains is whether no means no or whether our parliament will ignore the advice they've asked for and now try to steer, all the way to the voting booth.

"Bring it on" release date, bring it on!


Both Hell Cat and Punk News are posting the release date for "Bring It On", which adds substantial weight to the September 13 rumours on the guestbook. However, I cannot update the official HorrorPops website until I get a definite okay from Patricia, who had a preference for waiting for Epitaph to announce the release date first. She should be very much asleep in Orange County at the moment, but hopefully I'll catch her on MSN later today and will be able to get back on this.

Mind the gap at home!


For some twisted reason I am seriously considering to purchase the Northern Line Drivers Eye View DVD. Also available in Metropolitan, Picadilly, Jubilee and Central Line editions.

I realise how sad it would be to watch this at home, no matter how good a bag of crisps I'll eat with it. But it compells me, the London Underground. With a bird by my side it might almost be as pleasant as a shag on the tube - are you still up for that Steph?

EC - Effect and cause

European Union

EC President Barroso on the constitutional treaty:

"I believe that in case there was a 'No' in any of those countries it would be perceived outside of Europe as a failure for Europe," Barroso said following a lecture at the London School of Economics.

No, Mr. Barroso, get your facts straight. It is your commission that is being perceived inside Europe as a failure, already. Our 'no' votes are not the cause of fraud and corruption, bureaucracy, inflation, unemployment (10% France, 12% Germany), harmonisation.. they're the effect.

Vote 'yes' and avoid another holocaust

European Union

The debate regarding the European constitution is getting sillier every day. The VVD planned to air holocaust inspired TV spots for the 'yes' campaign tomorrow. The idea has already been cancelled due to a lot of negative response, but for those who would like to see the nonsense politicians are coming up with trying to sell this constitution:

De spot, die 20 seconden duurt, begint met een beeld uit de holocaust met daaroverheen de tekst 'Dit nooit méér! Start samenwerking Europa 1952'. De beelden erop tonen een schuur vol lijkkisten in Srebrenica en een verwoest treinstel in Madrid met daarbij respectievelijk de teksten 'Het gevaar ligt op de loer! Betere samenwerking nodig' en 'Een toekomst met vrede, veiligheid en welvaart! Eén Europese Grondwet'.

Key images: pictures of the holocaust, coffins from Screbrenica (didn't NATO end that, not some common European defence policy?) and train wrecks from the terrorist attacks in Madrid. Key phrases: "never again", "danger lies ahead, more cooperation required" and.. "a future with peace, security and wealth! One European constitution!

Yeah. One empire, one people, one constitution. Can I get one green card please?

Check out my MySpace!


I think is a silly waste of time, mostly because Dutch people are too sober to use it and then shag each other silly, so I'm better off wasting my time at the pub. Not that I always get some there, but at least they have beer. Oh well: , blog and more nonsense I will hardly ever use. So if you're on MySpace please add me as friend. I'm very lonely at the moment. Seriously. Bored out of my mind.

Just kidding, it's weekend. See you all on Monday!

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