Tuesday April 19, 2005

Meh, same old flat will do


The past weeks I have been looking at silly things such as my income and expenditures because I am interested in renting or buying a flat in the Red Apple. It is a soon to be built 128m/420ft residential tower about a block from where I live now and it looks both red and funky, cheering up that part of the Rotterdam skyline tremendously. It would be an amazing place to live as well, I'm sure of that.

But so far it looks as if I will not go anywhere. I probably could afford a flat at one of the lower floors in the new tower but it would be more expensive than my current one and I would not really have a better view nor a much better flat. A nice view from one of the higher floors is downright impossible on a one person salary, unless perhaps I give up all my travels and gigs. As if! The bright side is of course that sans mortgage it is much easier to accept a proper London job in the future. And we all know I have my reasons for wanting to live there..

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