Tuesday November 9, 2004

Arson in Holland

European Union

Van Gogh slaughtered. Arson attempts on mosques. A Muslim school bombed. An arson attempt at a church.

I want my Second Amendment rights!

Back.. and forth

European Union

And here we go again:

A little-known Islamist group has threatened to carry out attacks in the Netherlands following a series of attacks on Muslim buildings there, according to an Internet statement posted on Tuesday.

"We ask you for the last time, and you still have a chance, to stop the attacks on our mosques, schools and the Muslim community in Holland before you pay a heavy price," Islamic Tawhid Brigades said in a statement dated Nov. 9 and posted on a Web site used by Islamists.

The Dutch government hasn't been able to identify the suspects of the attempts of arson and the bombing yet, so maybe the Tawhid Brigades could provide them with that information since apparently they know who might be responsible? Thanks.

Syria after all?

European Union

Dutch authorities investigate a Syrian man who has been in contact with four suspects of the Van Gogh murder.

Justice authorities allege the Syrian is the axis of several terrorist cells believed to be active in the Netherlands. Besides the Van Gogh murder, the man is also accused of two other crimes.

If the presence of actual terrorist cells proves to be true, the left can no longer hide behind a desire to have a dialogue with the Muslim community in the Netherlands. It is an inconsistent view in the first place: the left tries to accuse the right of racism while singling out the Muslim community for dialogue themselves. While all the evidence points toward the theory that terrorist cells operate without support of or interaction with the actual Muslim community.

No further links have been established, but I sort of hope that there will be some more, hopefully linking to terrorist movements present in Syria itself. A foreign source of terrorism by an already suspicious country would be easier to deal with than terrorism that appears in Europe out of the blue. It would also help distinguishing between radical extremists and European Muslims.

Hamas On-line

European Union

The European Union considers Hamas a terrorist organization and providing services for it is illegal. But that doesn't prevent the Hamas Online website from being hosted as free service by 357Hosting in Nieuwegein, the Netherlands. Awkward.

Boy or girl?


Meet the perfect Valentines gift for those who cannot drop a hint in more subtle ways. GenSelect: "hi-tech" gender specific nutriceutical tablets, a scientifically formulated douche bottle, a digital ovulation thermometer, ovulation predictors.. with products like these, no wonder the conservative vote is winning territory.

At $200 a kit it's a bit too expensive for practical jokes, though.

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