Friday November 5, 2004


European Union

Muslim women just called in to Dutch radio program Casa Luna, nearly crying, outraged about the abuse of Islam by radicals. Politicians, outraged, want to act against this "jihad". Radical Islam attacked the Dutch freedom of speech. An eye-opener for many. Holland should now take the leadership within Europe to fight terror with the same resolve as our American friends.

We need more than police

European Union

Terrorists declared jihad on the Netherlands. Wake up government, we are at war.

Dutch police now believe that the muder of film maker Theo van Gogh is part of a larger and coordinated action by radical Muslims to public figures that they feel are 'enemies of Islam.' As a result, Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Geert Wilders, two politicians critical of Muslims, have been taken to a safe house by Dutch police.

Death threats were made by terrorists against Ms. Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim from Somalia who has been critical of Islam and Mr. Wilders who is a vocal opponent of Turkey's proposed membership in the European Union. The threats were made via telephone calls and on a five page letter attached to van Gogh's body by a knife.

The note claimed that Holland was controlled by Jews and called for Muslims to make jihad or holy war against infidels such as the Netherlands, the United States and specifically against Ms. Hirsi Ali. To her, it read, 'Since you stepped into the political arena in the Netherlands you have been constantly busy terrorising Muslims and Islam with your remarks. With your apostasy you have turned your back on truth and you are marching with the ranks of evil.'

The letter shocked many prominent politicians and government officials in Holland. Dutch Justice Minister Piet Hein Donner said, 'It is worrying because it gives the impression that it is not the message of an individual, but a wider organization.'

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