
Note: Uptimed is now maintained by Radek Podgorny.
Up-to-date releases can be found at: http://podgorny.cz/uptimed/.


Uptimed is an uptime record daemon keeping track of the highest uptimes a computer system ever had. It uses the system boot time to keep sessions apart from each other. Uptimed comes with a console front-end to parse the records, which can also easily be used to show your records on a web page, using server side includes or PHP. It can also send a short e-mail when a record is broken or milestone has been reached.

Uptimed was inspired by a similar utility called 'ud', but is completely different by design. Instead of using PID files to prevent multiple instances, Uptimed uses the system boot time to seperate log entries from each other. This is believed to be more reliable when switching runlevels or accidentely killing Uptimed or running multiple instances of it.

Support platforms are FreeBSD, Linux, Solaris/SunOS and HP/UX. Uptimed has been reported to run on various other platforms, though, including NetBSD, OpenBSD and even the iMac.

© Copyright 1995-2007 Robert John Kaper. All rights reserved.

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