
To avoid having to update a static page with news items, this page simply lists the latest entries of my journal mentioning leaguetable.

Leaguetable for Magic: The Gathering


I just discovered that even though it was not written with the card game in mind, my leaguetable utility is also excellent for generating a player schedule for a Magic draft night. :-)

I love it when software I wrote back in 1999 saves me hours of work, it would not have been nice to play Sudoku in a spreadsheet to get the same results as some clever math from last century.



I noticed some people are still looking for my old Real FC Manager project or the associated leaguetable utility, so I have restored a project page for the latter under my software, including the restoration of downloadable code.

© Copyright 1995-2007 Robert John Kaper. All rights reserved.

Tom has more friends but mine are prettier! (#1/1)