Wij en Zij

Wij geloven in vrijheid.
Zij in dreiging en moord.

Wij geloven in het woord.
Zij in messen en bommen.

Wij spreken Theo aan,
zij maakten Theo van kant.

Wij sturen onze kinderen naar disco, school en gebed,
zij steken het gebouw in brand.

Wij zijn Nederlander.
Wij zijn Moslim, Jood, Christen, protestant, Hindu, Boeddhist, atheist, satanist en seculier.
Zij zijn terrorist.

Wij pikken dat niet hier.

Written on November 8 2004.


Insane (#30) on Aug 27, 2005 19:32 CEST (Post reply)

Let me guess, London inspired... sure seems that way.

Well good job anyway, I'm not much of a critic in poetry, and I wouldn't say I have my dutch to a T but yeah, It's good oh and does "theo" mean.. curious.

Insane (#30) on Aug 27, 2005 19:32 CEST (Post reply)

Let me guess, London inspired... sure seems that way.

Well good job anyway, I'm not much of a critic in poetry, and I wouldn't say I have my dutch to a T but yeah, It's good oh and does "theo" mean.. curious.

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