Thursday August 31, 2006

Rape and carmageddon in Eindhoven


Yay Feyenoord!

I'm not quite sure I can continue to support PSV now that they are signing Patrick "I'll rape anything I haven't yet run over with my car" Kluivert, so I might as well defect to the local football team in Rotterdam even though they hardly ever win anything. While rumours were denied on Monday, today all the headlines indicate a deal after all. Meh. Why sign a 30-year-old over-the-top loser who will be thoroughly hated by the fans?

If it weren't for Inge I'd boycott Eindhoven for as long as this tosser walks around there.

On the bright side, PSV is also attempting to sign Jan Kromkamp and Amr Zaki, while attempting to get Kevin Hofland to return to Eindhoven. Those players are very welcome, of course.


European Union

No, I'm not in South Africa (yet) and wouldn't engage in racism even if I were. However, the Dutch government has decided that apartheid is definitely cool.

New requirements for passport photos have been enacted and they are insanely strict: no hair over the forehead, visible ear lines, no smiling. All Dutchmen will have to comply to these requirements in order to get a passport and some have already complained they have been sent back four times in a row because it is nearly impossible to meet the demands.

So where's the discrimination here? Well, Muslim women are allowed to wear a headscarve on passport photographs. It kind of breaks the whole ear line rule and fucks up security, but apparently the equality remarks in our constitution no longer protect the indigenous species.

Note to government: fuck you. I'll choose my own hairdo and passport photo and if you deny me a passport on these futilities, you'll hear from my lawyer. My lifestyle is as valid as any religious belief system.

Anti-religious Rob


Readers might have noted that I am becoming increasingly anti-religious on my journal - and in general. Calling the word of God the truth like this morning's TV evangelist did definitely does not calm me down. Religious belief systems are just one of many theories on creation, life and morality. And arguably they belong to the most far-fetched.

I'll repeat a phrase I posted earlier today: my lifestyle is as valid as any religious belief system. And possibly even more because I'm only delusional when I'm on drugs and not every time I see a Bible or Koran. I also no longer care whether I offend people with any Satanic or atheist outings. Religious people who approach or attempt to affect my lifestyle offend me as well, by assuming I'm gullable enough to believe in fairytales.



Sad but true story: last Saturday I spent €40 on earphones for my telephone. And I truly loved them: these were probably the first kind that actually fit my ears and delivered good sound including bass tones. Yesterday I put them away in my trousers or laptop case, or so I thought: I can no longer find them. They're not at the office, not at my hotel room, not in my bag, trousers or even shoes.. they're gone.

As a result I will probably be grumpy until I get an opportunity to replace them, which might be in Johannesburg early next week or else back home later next week. Of course I will still be grumpy having spent €80 in total for a goddamn set of headphones.

(This is not about the money, of course. I'm pissed off because of the inconvenience of not having my headphones around. And I feel like a complete waste of genes for being the loser who loses goods purchased less than five days after purchase. I hate me.)

Update Friday morning: at the office, after all. At someone else's desk.. I guess I should worry about memory loss more than gadget loss.

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