Thursday July 13, 2006
Still playing with AJAX
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 13, 2006 18:33 CEST
If you wonder what's up with me: not a lot, currently. I'm still playing with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML and am slowly deploying some usability changes based on my progress. I'm currently working on a new login form. And don't worry, I won't remove the simple 1995-era POST forms just yet. Some people don't like JavaScript and that shouldn't prevent them from accessing the site.
The most important AJAX lessons I've learned so far: integrating tiny bits of JavaScript into XHTML pages and then handling their XmlHttpRequest mojo properly on the server end in PHP is easy as Paris Hiltonpie. However integrating the actual presentation is a bit more of a challenge. It seems almost impossible to resist the urge to redesign major elements of a web site when going from a stateful to (partially) stateless interface. So far most of the time I spend on AJAX ends up in tweaking public user texts and CSS style definitions.
Don't expect major changes to the site or profiles until I've figured out where I want to take my new-found abilities. I might decide to not bother changing anything at all, but I feel close to shutting down my social life for a few weeks in order to get a complete overhaul of this site out of the way.
- PermaLink: Still playing with AJAX
- Tags: CSS, Ajax, Javascript, web design, PHP, XmlHttpRequest
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The war on terror accelerates
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 13, 2006 21:35 CEST
Israel had enough of Hezbollah's support of terrorism and is now at a state of war with Lebanon. Beirut airport has been bombed, Long-range rockets have hit Haifa.. cucumber season is over early, folks.
Neil found out that Hezbollah may move the Israeli hostages to Iran and speculates this might all get very big. If Iran gets involved, possibly through Iraq, then surely the US and its allies could also get involved. Neil also already noted Syria should become involved and preferably because we decide so, not them.
There is less and less doubt the war on terror will now indeed go down in history not as a conflict, but another World War. And to be honest, considering I strongly support fighting terrorism, I can live with that thought.
- PermaLink: The war on terror accelerates
- Tags: terrorism, Israel, Lebanon, Hezbollah, war on terror, World War
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The new Union Jack
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 13, 2006 22:12 CEST
England may drop St. George as patron saint, having found a substitute more suitable for the job in St. Alban. The reason why the Church of England wants to change the nation's flag?
His dragon-slaying heroics have kept his legend alive through the centuries.
But the Church of England is considering rejecting England's patron saint St George on the grounds that his image is too warlike and may offend Muslims.
The Stars and Stripes may offend Islamists but I see no one trying to change them.. sigh.
Oh well, here it is for the very first time: the new Union Jack 2006! For the sake of irony I included Wales even though it is part of England.. the dragon slayer is gone, so we might as well make place for the dragon:
I just don't see it work on merchandise, but you have to admit there's a charm to it.
- PermaLink: The new Union Jack (1 comment)
- Tags: England, Union Jack, St. George, St. Alban
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