Monday July 3, 2006
Start popping comment cherries
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 3, 2006 01:12 CEST
What do you get when you combine:
- an already quite generic CMS (my beloved Kiki) capable of adding comment functionality to basically any database object,
- extremely "l33t" hacker skills,
- three hours of spare time on a train journey and
- an almost fanatical devotion to the pope Tom?
Profile pages where registered users can leave each other comments! I'll admit that I'm merely reinventing the wheel because this has of course already been done on countless profile and social networking sites. But I still like to tell Murdock to be afraid: be very afraid, Rupert. Not that I plan on getting bigger than MySpace (please no), but building something prettier and better shouldn't be too hard! (Feature suggestions for a next moment of boredom are welcome. And start popping, people!)
- PermaLink: Start popping comment cherries
- Tags: Kiki, MySpace, comments, profiles, social networking
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Welcome to the new platform
- Posted by Rob (#1) on July 3, 2006 17:29 CEST
If you read this: the migration of Powweb (my IPP) has been completed. You are now on the new platform, so feel free again to leave comments or to make changes to your profile.
- PermaLink: Welcome to the new platform
- Tags: Powweb
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