Monday June 12, 2006

Military gets tough

European Union

There is a small row (still, again, for ever) in the Netherlands over Dutch troops killing Taliban members in the Uruzgan province of Afghanistan. Some members of the Second Chamber are upset they were not informed of the killings before the press was, and some are even upset about the military fighting in the first place, because the official mission is one to rebuild Afghanistan.

I will quickly mention the Srebrenica massacre, before leaving it up to the reader to decide whether it is possible to rebuild a country or do any peace-keeping without a mandate to take hostile actions against any enemy troops, warlords and terrorists active in the area. And whether people making a fuss about military action by army units in a warzone are fit for duty as political representative of a nation.

Australia 3 - Japan 1


Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie, oi oi oi! Half a dozen of minutes before the end whistle, Japan was leading against Australia 1-0 and sure to win the opening match of group F at the World Cup 2006. But then the first serious upset of the tournament happened: the Socceroos scored thrice in the final minutes. Tim Cahill made both the equaliser (84) and winner (89), while fellow substitute John Aloisi settled the match in stoppage time (92). So, if there was still any doubt: everything coach Guus Hiddink touches turns to gold.

Google Censorship


Let's see.. we already had Google Search, Groups, News. Earth, Maps, Mail, Talk and Froogle. And . And now also . I maintain: the KGB, Gestapo and Chicoms must be jealous of Google. Not too surprising then that China and Google remain bedfollows.

It is somewhat worrisome that a top player in data mining, centralisation, analysis and trending is trying to find a way to work with censorship, somehow, instead of outright rejecting it. Does the "don't be evil" mentality still apply? And if not.. then little prevents the eventual appearance of a CEO who realises Google can offer exactly what these totalitarian powers want. And then concludes to go for it, after all on the long run it never did IBM any harm.

That is surely a worst case scenario (unless you include Google selling us out to the Chicoms), but it wouldn't be evil of Google to show some backbone now.

Bread and Socceroos


Australia enjoys the World Cup win and politicians enjoy the circus:

Among those who watched from the comfort of their homes were Prime Minister John Howard and Opposition Leader Kim Beazley, who said he expected a less than productive day by lawmakers in federal Parliament on Tuesday.

"There's going to be bleary-eyed Australians tomorrow as they turn up to work after the long weekend and it won't be because they hung one on," said Beazley. "It will be because they'll be up watching the Socceroos."

"I expect a fairly desultory day in parliament tomorrow as we have some of the effects of having celebrated a great Socceroos win."

New South Wales state Premier Morris Iemma went one step further, urging employers to go easy on workers who aren't on time Tuesday.

"If they turn up late, give them a break," said Iemma. "It's been 32 years of frustration and disappointment."


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