Friday May 26, 2006

Nostalgia rock


Bon Jovi was fun last night, but I had completely forgotten that the band primarily plays what I like to define as nostalgia rock: songs which sounded like rock at some point in life, but would be considered pop tunes these days. It is not like I expected hardcore guitars on stage and Nickelback certainly proved me right there, but for some reason Bon Jovi was just a little bit too.. mainstream.

I suppose I blame the audience for that as well: the Dutch get a day off for Ascension and apparently every single suburban thirty-something who ever owned one album of the band was present. I missed the subcultural people. I hate plain-skins.

I also hate the NS (Dutch railways), for not having a decent night service. I easily caught the last train from Nijmegen towards Utrecht, but to get to Rotterdam from there at 1am I had to take the night train via Amsterdam, which means I didn't get home until 4am (would've been 2am if a direct Utrecht-Rotterdam connection had still been running). Those are two hours of my life I'll never get back!

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